LIFE Horses
LIFE Horses
HORSE POWER • The world’s most majestic and beautiful creature is also human history’s most important.
A Land for Gamboling • Whether on sprawling reserves or in Mongolia’s deserts, free-roaming horses are striking and strong.
A GLOBAL CONQUEST • From the Age of Exploration to the Old West, horses became humankind’s most steady companion.
Breed Basics • Some horse breeds are well known for their beauty, while others are recognized for their agility or strength.
WHY WE LOVE HORSES • Horses and humans have a long-standing connection and an (at times) unbridled affection.
AT WAR AND BEYOND • From the front lines to plowing the fields, horses have kept our nation (and others) on track through wartime and peace.
Famous Neighsayers • Whether hallmarks of history, subjects of literature, or TV stars, these horses are household names.
CITIES OF HORSES • Throughout the industrialized world, horses were vital to maintaining urban life and driving urban expanse.
Ponies In Pictures • Appreciated for their gentleness and endurance, ponies make up several breeds of horses that stay on the small side.
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